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Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Port of Rome, 1581., 1581. Creator: Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla.
Plate 19: view of the Baths of Caracalla, indicating with inscribed letter 'A' the places ..., 1606. Creator: Aegidius Sadeler II.
Plate 21: view from the west of ruins of the Aventine Hill, Rome, with boats on the river ..., 1606. Creator: Aegidius Sadeler II.
Plate 37: view of the church of San Bartolomeo all'Isola on Tiber Island, Rome, flanked by..., 1606. Creator: Aegidius Sadeler II.
Plate 31: view of the column of Trajan, shown with its pedestal dug out from the earth, su..., 1606. Creator: Aegidius Sadeler II.